Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ordeals create themselves in thee,
But it never departs me,
Its reminiscence is aside me, never away,
Dilemmas are are left swimming with a bay,

We overcrowd each other and that is silly,
But who dares questions two in love really?
Just a split second let me be insane,
For you do not have a clue on what strolls on love's lane,

Let your essence say, "i do" to my soul,
And as one we can enjoy it all,
This path where the leaves sing with us,
Birds utter their piece of music in mass,

No one has recognized its origins,
Nor have scientists known of its existence in the genes,
Let us not be inquisitive,
A sensitive peril for personality, LOVE is just being normative.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem... U still have it in you..:)



poetry (10)