Thursday, June 23, 2011


I wake up today to disappoint you,
Yeah, there, I SAID IT!
You brought this disaster to us,
And since you are my sister,
I never again have to wait long before the next one puts the previous one into perspective,
You and him a band of character,
You picked your responsibility,
And yet still this child on a merry-go-round sees no mother to wave to,
No kiss goodnight,
How does it feel to get an update on your own kid?
You have a new theory that makes your heart walk outside your body,
The man you call a husband,
The man who chaperones your abilities,
One of you should be able to report to duty,
But the child's register marks absents,
So you find a substitute to replace you physically,
You forget, a child is not only reared socially, emotionally,
But financially too,
So Your substitutes demand,
Your so-called "FAIR SHARE",
While you and your man just sit there!
Wish we could have some bucks to spare,
For they are our own too,
You are disappointed in you,
We are disappointed too,
For there is much you can do,
Your children are your corporation,
Responsibility is to you the shareholders not the retirees,
This plan you executed instead of amending it, you expand it,
You have killed your dreams,
And you are injuring more,
Its your fault,
You have messed up,
Face up,
God's constitution has a "Bill of Responsibilities",
The final folly is to think that something fundamental to your welfare,
Should be taken care for you,
You wanna know why these times are not the best for you?
Because you do not consider your responsibilities your own,
Stop saying that it got lost, about sanity,
Simply say it like it is,that you lost it,
Find it, for you are their mother,
they will have no other,
That man you call comfort is nothing but a pyramid scheme,
Its a 50/50 win or lose situation,
But your children,
God invested them in you,
He's got your back on this one,
Keep in mind that parenthood is easier to get in to than out of,
And for now,
Am done disappointing you with my words,
Write to you soon.

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